
"Architects, sculptors painters, we all must return to the crafts! For art is not a 'profession.' There is no essential difference between the artist and the craftsman. The artist is an exalted craftsman."

- Walter Gropius


This statement by Walter Gropius, founder of the 1920's German modernist art school Bauhaus, articulates Peter Killeen's view on the creative process of his Sculpture.

Killeen believes that the artist should be a master of both work (craft) and form (art).

Born in Dublin, Ireland in 1977, Peter began his career working with the highly regarded CAST bronze foundry. Killeen's experience of working in foundries in Ireland and Australia is evident in the execution of his art. Careful consideration and skill are required to finish each piece and an expert understanding of the Cire Perdue (lost wax) method of bronze casting is essential to producing each bronze.

"Peter’s immensely appealing and timeless representations of small birds and wild animals have a distinctive and very particular charm, each warmly animated and softly rounded in form with carefully worked, richly coloured patinas." 

- Solomon Fine Art, 2017.